The Helmholtz Association pursues the long-term research goals of the state, society and the economy. To this end its 18 scientific-technical and biological-medical research centres conduct top-level research in six research fields. With more than 46.000 employees, the Helmholtz Association is Germany's largest scientific organisation.
The Brussels Office of the Helmholtz Association provides information and support in all aspects of European research funding for both the scientists and the executive boards of the Helmholtz research centres. Its goal is to facilitate their participation in EU Research programmes. It also represents the interests of the Helmholtz Association at European level and prepares Helmholtz positions and input on European science policy.
The Helmholtz Association pursues the long-term research goals of the state, society and the economy. To this end its 18 scientific-technical and biological-medical research centres conduct top-level research in six research fields. With more than 46.000 employees, the Helmholtz Association is Germany's largest scientific organisation.
The Brussels Office of the Helmholtz Association provides information and support in all aspects of European research funding for both the scientists and the executive boards of the Helmholtz research centres. Its goal is to facilitate their participation in EU Research programmes. It also represents the interests of the Helmholtz Association at European level and prepares Helmholtz positions and input on European science policy.
Mitarbeiter:innen arbeiten bei Helmholtz an der Welt von morgen.
Euro Budget jährlich bietet unseren Talenten ausgezeichnete Bedingungen für Spitzenforschung.
Helmholtz-Zentren widmen sich jeden Tag den großen Fragen unserer Zeit.
Forscher:innen aus aller Welt nutzen jährlich unsere Forschungsinfrastrukturen.